477.17. Subject to the third and fourth paragraphs, a person that is resident in Canada and is the recipient of a specified supply made by a foreign specified supplier is entitled to a rebate of the tax paid by the person under section 16 in respect of the supply equal to the amount determined by the formula
A × B.
For the purposes of the formula in the first paragraph,(1) A is the amount of the tax; and
(2) B is the extent, expressed as a percentage, to which the incorporeal movable property or service in respect of which the supply is made is acquired by the person for consumption, use or supply in a participating province within the meaning of subsection 1 of section 123 of the Excise Tax Act (R.S.C. 1985, c. E-15).
No person is entitled to a rebate under the first paragraph in respect of a particular supply unless the person has paid tax under section 218.1 of the Excise Tax Act in respect of the particular supply and submits to the Minister evidence of the payment of that tax that is satisfactory to the Minister.
However, no rebate provided for in the first paragraph is paid to a person that, at the time that tax under section 16 in respect of the particular supply was paid, was a listed financial institution described in paragraph 6 or 9 of the definition of “listed financial institution” in section 1 or a selected listed financial institution.
2018, c. 182018, c. 18, s. 781; 2021, c. 182021, c. 18, s. 214112021, c. 182021, c. 18, s. 21412.